Subject Verb Agreement Exercise for Class 3

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that needs to be mastered by students from a young age. It is the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning.

Class 3 is a critical year for students to develop their language skills and build a strong foundation in grammar. In this article, we’ll discuss some exercises to help Class 3 students master subject-verb agreement.

Exercise 1: Identifying the subject and verb

The first step in mastering subject-verb agreement is to identify the subject and verb in a sentence. Provide students with a list of sentences and ask them to underline the subject and circle the verb. For example:

– The cat (subject) is (verb) sleeping on the mat.

– The children (subject) are (verb) playing in the park.

– My mom (subject) cooks (verb) delicious food.

Exercise 2: Matching the subject and verb

Once students have identified the subject and verb in a sentence, the next step is to ensure that they match in number. Provide students with a list of sentences where the subject and verb do not match in number. For example:

– The flower (subject) smell (verb) sweet.

– The boys (subject) is (verb) playing football.

– My sister (subject) have (verb) a new bike.

Ask students to circle the incorrect verb and rewrite the sentence with the correct verb. For example:

– The flower smells sweet.

– The boys are playing football.

– My sister has a new bike.

Exercise 3: Choosing the correct verb

Students need to learn which verb form to use with singular and plural subjects. Provide students with a list of sentences with missing verbs and ask them to choose the correct verb. For example:

– The bird (subject) _____ (sing/sings) beautifully.

– The trees (subject) _____ (sway/sways) in the wind.

– The dog (subject) _____ (bark/barks) at strangers.

Exercise 4: Creating sentences

Encourage students to create their own sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. Ask them to think of a subject and verb and write a sentence around them. For example:

– The boy (subject) plays (verb) with his friends.

– The sun (subject) shines (verb) bright.

– The books (subject) are (verb) on the shelf.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that needs to be mastered early on. By practicing these exercises, Class 3 students can develop a strong foundation in subject-verb agreement and improve their language skills.